Source code for instapi.compatpatch

from .endpoints.common import MediaTypes

[docs]class ClientCompatPatch(object): """Utility to make entities from the private api similar to the ones from the public one by adding the necessary properties, and if required, remove any incompatible properties (to save storage space for example). """ FILTERS = { -2: 'OES', -1: 'YUV', 0: 'Normal', 1: 'X-Pro II', 2: 'Lo-Fi', 3: 'Earlybird', 10: 'Inkwell', 14: '1977', 15: 'Nashville', 16: 'Kelvin', 17: 'Mayfair', 18: 'Sutro', 19: 'Toaster', 20: 'Walden', 21: 'Hefe', 22: 'Brannan', 23: 'Rise', 24: 'Amaro', 25: 'Valencia', 26: 'Hudson', 27: 'Sierra', 28: 'Willow', 105: 'Dogpatch', 106: 'Vesper', 107: 'Ginza', 108: 'Charmes', 109: 'Stinson', 111: 'Moon', 112: 'Clarendon', 113: 'Skyline', 114: 'Gingham', 115: 'Brooklyn', 116: 'Ashby', 117: 'Helena', 118: 'Maven', 603: 'Ludwig', 605: 'Slumber', 608: 'Perpetua', 612: 'Aden', 613: 'Juno', 614: 'Reyes', 615: 'Lark', 616: 'Crema', 640: 'BrightContrast', 642: 'CrazyColor', 643: 'SubtleColor', } @staticmethod def _get_closest_size(medias, width, height=0): """ Try to extract a image/video object that will most match the resolution returned by the public API :param medias: list of images/videos :param width: desired width :param height: desired height :return: """ current = None for media in medias: if not current: current = media if ( abs(media['width'] - width) < abs(current['width'] - width) or ( media['width'] == current['width'] and not height and not media['height'] == current['width'] ) or ( media['width'] == current['width'] and height and abs(media['height'] - height) < abs(current['height'] - height) ) ): current = media return current @staticmethod def _drop_keys(obj, keys): """ Drop unwanted dict keys :param obj: :param keys: :return: """ for k in keys: obj.pop(k, None)
[docs] @classmethod def comment(cls, comment, drop_incompat_keys=False): """Patch a comment object""" comment['created_time'] = str(int(comment.get('created_at'))) from_user = { 'username': comment['user']['username'], 'profile_picture': comment['user']['profile_pic_url'], 'id': str(comment['user']['pk']), 'full_name': comment['user']['full_name'], } comment['from'] = from_user comment['id'] = str(comment['pk']) if drop_incompat_keys: cls._drop_keys( comment, [ 'bit_flags', 'content_type', 'created_at', 'created_at_utc', 'media_id', 'pk', 'status', 'type', 'user', 'user_id', ], ) return comment
[docs] @classmethod def media(cls, media, drop_incompat_keys=False): """Patch a media object""" media['link'] = '{0!s}/'.format(media['code']) media['created_time'] = str( int(media.get('taken_at') or media.get('device_timestamp')) ) if media['media_type'] == MediaTypes.PHOTO: media['type'] = 'image' elif media['media_type'] == MediaTypes.VIDEO: media['type'] = 'video' elif media['media_type'] == MediaTypes.CAROUSEL: media['type'] = 'carousel' # will be patched over below if media['caption']: media['caption']['id'] = str(media['caption']['pk']) media['caption']['created_time'] = str(int(media['caption']['created_at'])) caption_from = { 'username': media['caption']['user']['username'], 'profile_picture': media['caption']['user']['profile_pic_url'], 'id': str(media['caption']['user']['pk']), 'full_name': media['caption']['user']['full_name'], } media['caption']['from'] = caption_from if drop_incompat_keys: cls._drop_keys( media['caption'], [ 'bit_flags', 'content_type', 'created_at', 'created_at_utc', 'has_translation', 'media_id', 'pk', 'status', 'type', 'user', ], ) media['user'] = cls.list_user( media['user'], drop_incompat_keys=drop_incompat_keys ) if media['media_type'] == MediaTypes.CAROUSEL and media.get( 'carousel_media', [] ): # patch carousel media for carousel_media in media.get('carousel_media', []): if carousel_media['media_type'] == MediaTypes.PHOTO: carousel_media['type'] = 'image' elif carousel_media['media_type'] == MediaTypes.VIDEO: carousel_media['type'] = 'video' image_versions2 = carousel_media.get('image_versions2', {}).get( 'candidates', [] ) images = { 'low_resolution': cls._get_closest_size(image_versions2, 320), 'thumbnail': cls._get_closest_size(image_versions2, 150, 150), 'standard_resolution': cls._get_closest_size( image_versions2, carousel_media.get('original_width', 1000) ), } carousel_media['images'] = images if carousel_media['media_type'] == MediaTypes.VIDEO: video_versions = carousel_media.get('video_versions', []) videos = { 'low_bandwidth': cls._get_closest_size(video_versions, 480), 'standard_resolution': cls._get_closest_size( video_versions, carousel_media.get('original_width', 640) ), 'low_resolution': cls._get_closest_size(video_versions, 640), } if drop_incompat_keys: [cls._drop_keys(i, ['type']) for i in list(videos.values())] carousel_media['videos'] = videos # patch user tags if carousel_media.get('usertags', {}).get('in', []): usertags = carousel_media['usertags']['in'] user_tags = [] for ut in usertags: pos = {'y': ut['position'][1], 'x': ut['position'][0]} user = ut['user'] user['id'] = str(ut['user']['pk']) user['profile_picture'] = ut['user']['profile_pic_url'] if drop_incompat_keys: cls._drop_keys( user, ['profile_pic_url', 'pk', 'is_private'] ) user_tags.append({'position': pos, 'user': user}) carousel_media['users_in_photo'] = user_tags # patch location if 'location' not in carousel_media or not carousel_media[ 'location' ].get('lat'): carousel_media['location'] = None else: carousel_media['location']['latitude'] = carousel_media['location'][ 'lat' ] carousel_media['location']['longitude'] = carousel_media[ 'location' ]['lng'] carousel_media['location']['id'] = carousel_media['location']['pk'] first_carousel_media = media['carousel_media'][0] media['images'] = first_carousel_media['images'] media['type'] = first_carousel_media['type'] if first_carousel_media['media_type'] == MediaTypes.VIDEO: media['videos'] = first_carousel_media['videos'] else: image_versions2 = media.get('image_versions2', {}).get('candidates', []) images = { 'low_resolution': cls._get_closest_size(image_versions2, 320), 'thumbnail': cls._get_closest_size(image_versions2, 150, 150), 'standard_resolution': cls._get_closest_size( image_versions2, media.get('original_width', 1000) ), } media['images'] = images if media['media_type'] == MediaTypes.VIDEO: video_versions = media.get('video_versions', []) videos = { 'low_bandwidth': cls._get_closest_size(video_versions, 480), 'standard_resolution': cls._get_closest_size( video_versions, media.get('original_width', 640) ), 'low_resolution': cls._get_closest_size(video_versions, 640), } if drop_incompat_keys: [cls._drop_keys(i, ['type']) for i in list(videos.values())] media['videos'] = videos likes = {'count': media.get('like_count', 0), 'data': []} media['likes'] = likes comments = { 'count': media.get('comment_count', 0), # Patch comment too 'data': [ cls.comment(c, drop_incompat_keys=drop_incompat_keys) for c in media.get('comments', []) ], } media['comments'] = comments if media.get('preview_comments'): [ cls.comment(c, drop_incompat_keys=drop_incompat_keys) for c in media.get('preview_comments', []) ] media['attribution'] = None if ( media.get('filter_type') is not None and media.get('filter_type') in cls.FILTERS ): media['filter'] = cls.FILTERS[media.get('filter_type')] else: media['filter'] = '' media['user_has_liked'] = media.get('has_liked', False) # Try to preserve location even if there's no lat/lng/pk if 'location' not in media or not media['location']: media['location'] = None elif ( media.get('location', {}).get('lat') and media.get('location', {}).get('lng') and media.get('location', {}).get('pk') ): media['location']['latitude'] = media['location']['lat'] media['location']['longitude'] = media['location']['lng'] media['location']['id'] = media['location']['pk'] # For stories if ( not media.get('location') and media.get('story_locations') and media.get('story_locations', [{}])[0].get('location') ): story_location = media['story_locations'][0]['location'] if ( story_location.get('lat') and story_location.get('lng') and story_location.get('pk') ): media['location'] = story_location media['tags'] = [] if media.get('usertags', {}).get('in', []): usertags = media['usertags']['in'] user_tags = [] for ut in usertags: pos = {'y': ut['position'][1], 'x': ut['position'][0]} user = ut['user'] user['id'] = str(ut['user']['pk']) user['profile_picture'] = ut['user']['profile_pic_url'] if drop_incompat_keys: cls._drop_keys(user, ['profile_pic_url', 'pk', 'is_private']) user_tags.append({'position': pos, 'user': user}) media['users_in_photo'] = user_tags elif media.get('reel_mentions'): reel_mentions = media['reel_mentions'] user_tags = [] for rm in reel_mentions: pos = {'y': rm['y'], 'x': rm['x']} user = rm['user'] user['id'] = str(rm['user']['pk']) user['profile_picture'] = rm['user']['profile_pic_url'] if drop_incompat_keys: cls._drop_keys( user, ['profile_pic_id', 'profile_pic_url', 'pk', 'is_private'] ) user_tags.append({'position': pos, 'user': user}) media['users_in_photo'] = user_tags else: media['users_in_photo'] = [] if drop_incompat_keys: cls._drop_keys( media, [ 'can_viewer_save', 'caption_is_edited', 'client_cache_key', 'code', 'comment_count', 'comments_disabled', 'comment_likes_enabled', 'device_timestamp', 'filter_type', 'has_audio', 'has_liked', 'has_more_comments', 'image_versions2', 'is_reel_media', 'lat', 'like_count', 'lng', 'max_num_visible_preview_comments', 'media_type', 'next_max_id', 'organic_tracking_token', 'original_height', 'original_width', 'photo_of_you', 'pk', 'preview_comments', 'reel_mentions', 'saved_collection_ids', 'taken_at', 'top_likers', 'video_duration', 'video_versions', 'view_count', 'visibility', ], ) if media['location']: cls._drop_keys( media['location'], [ 'address', 'city', 'external_id', 'external_source', 'facebook_places_id', 'foursquare_v2_id', 'lat', 'lng', 'pk', 'state', ], ) return media
[docs] @classmethod def user(cls, user, drop_incompat_keys=False): """Patch a user object """ user['id'] = str(user['pk']) user['bio'] = user.get('biography', '') user['profile_picture'] = user['profile_pic_url'] user['website'] = user.get('external_url', '') if ( 'media_count' in user and 'follower_count' in user and 'following_count' in user ): counts = { 'media': user['media_count'], 'followed_by': user['follower_count'], 'follows': user['following_count'], } user['counts'] = counts if drop_incompat_keys: cls._drop_keys( user, [ 'auto_expand_chaining', 'biography', 'external_lynx_url', 'external_url', 'follower_count', 'following_count', 'geo_media_count', 'has_anonymous_profile_picture', 'has_chaining', 'hd_profile_pic_url_info', 'hd_profile_pic_versions', 'include_direct_blacklist_status', 'is_business', 'is_favorite', 'is_private', 'is_unpublished', 'is_verified', 'media_count', 'pk', 'profile_context', 'profile_pic_id', 'profile_pic_url', 'usertags_count', ], ) return user
[docs] @classmethod def list_user(cls, user, drop_incompat_keys=False): """ Patch a list user object, example in :meth:`Client.user_following`, :meth:`Client.user_followers`, :meth:`Client.search_users` """ user['id'] = str(user['pk']) user['profile_picture'] = user['profile_pic_url'] if drop_incompat_keys: cls._drop_keys( user, [ 'byline', 'follower_count', 'friendship_status', 'has_anonymous_profile_picture', 'has_chaining', 'is_favorite', 'is_private', 'is_unpublished', 'is_verified', 'mutual_followers_count', 'pk', 'profile_pic_url', 'social_context', 'unseen_count', ], ) return user